Saturday, June 4, 2011

Slim or normal stubby holders?


When choosing a theme for your wedding, considering the demographic of your guests might not be something you think of, after all they are your friends. But if you ate looking at what bomboniere or favor to get, you might want to think about the drinks they will consume. Most people only think of the drinks they are serving and don't consider the preceded drink of the guest. Let us take the example of beach themed wedding. You invite your friends and family to a nice beach for a wedding ceremony and reception. You order slim stubby holders for the guests as you know they will be drinking corona, but fail to realise most of your friends are coopers pale ale drinkers. So once the wedding is over and you catch up with one of your mates, they get you a beer without astound holder on it. You say 'what happened to the wedding stubby I gave you?' and the reply is one explaining they don't drink slim beverages.

So when choosing your theme and wedding favor, spare a thought for the people who will use the bomboniere and if it's appropriate for them. After all, don't you want to have them remember your wedding as the party of the century?

Friday, May 27, 2011

Hot or Cold


Do you think this stubby holder is keeping the drink cold or his hand warm? Ok so the sub-arctic might mean everything is cold, but i bet his hand is 5 degrees warmer for drinking with a stubby.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Back Yard Relax

On my last friday i did have the situation that i was having my knock off drink, sitting in the back yard and found that the way the light was stretching across the yard it illuminated my drink in a way that promoted its appeal. Naturally it was a combination of the wetsuit rubber printed with an awesome boring stubby design and my need for a relaxing drink on a friday. None the less the resulting image is what i saw! (lawn might need a mow though!)


Lemon Stubbies

So a use for one could be a lemon holder.... of this might be a little far fetched but i actually did use my stubby for this the other night. I was between drinks and needed a place on the kitchen bench for the lemon. It kept rolling off the table so, BLAM, i jammed it into the stubby and solved my problem.


Friday, April 1, 2011

Boring stubby


So boring is this stubby holder it makes doing the dishes exciting

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Bowling wedding stubby


For a casual weddings some people chose the social location of a lawn bowling club. This is a retro variation on the old idea of a golf club wedding. Green lawns and a sunny day make for a fantastic event. Along with this casual environment is welcomed the stubby holder, casual and welcoming yet it can be styled to formal and classy. Caviar design maybe more fit for fine dining but still a fun addition to a casual wedding.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Boring stubby holder


Boring stubby holders, they do have a life of their own, this is from the BBQ series and would fit in well at a casual wedding, maybe a picture of the bride getting stuck into a sausage wouldn't go astray.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Less is more

Designing your wedding can be a very tiresome task, but sometimes trying to do too much is the problem. When designing your stationery, look at using 1 major colour, 1 supporting secondary colour and then only one font. I know this sounds obvious but really not many people do this. This approach will keep your stubby holders simple and elegant as well.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wedding bliss

Recently we saw some designs for wedding bomboniere that did not look right. What appeared to have happened is a bride took a design and then changed it to suit a font she liked and added a colour she wanted. The result was not good, a stubby holder that looked more at place in a hippy store. The reason I highlight this is some of the better stubby holder suppliers have trained graphic designers, people who know collies and fonts. So the next time you think about your stubby, by all means get a result you want but do listen to the designers advice... Don't be a bride-zilla.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Use for a stubby

Pen holder, which also doubles as my coin container.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Boring Stubby Holders

Boring Stubby Holders My new love. Attempting to find or create holders of any inanimate object.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Wedding Stubby Illustrations

Depending on your outlook, here are 2 approached for your wedding stubby holder design. Nice a classic cartoon... or a little more fun.