Thursday, April 7, 2011

Back Yard Relax

On my last friday i did have the situation that i was having my knock off drink, sitting in the back yard and found that the way the light was stretching across the yard it illuminated my drink in a way that promoted its appeal. Naturally it was a combination of the wetsuit rubber printed with an awesome boring stubby design and my need for a relaxing drink on a friday. None the less the resulting image is what i saw! (lawn might need a mow though!)


Lemon Stubbies

So a use for one could be a lemon holder.... of this might be a little far fetched but i actually did use my stubby for this the other night. I was between drinks and needed a place on the kitchen bench for the lemon. It kept rolling off the table so, BLAM, i jammed it into the stubby and solved my problem.


Friday, April 1, 2011

Boring stubby


So boring is this stubby holder it makes doing the dishes exciting