Sunday, May 23, 2010

Bucks Night Stubby Holders

So then I guess it stands to reason that the guys would want personalised stubbies too. Here is an example of a Bucks Night Stubby Holder Design.

Hens Nights

So weddings might be a bit formal for your guys to have the plain old stubby holder as your Bomboniere or Favour. Well then the Hens night would be right at home to have personalised stubby holders. Here is an example of one from our sponsor. Hens nights sometimes go for Slim Stubby Holders just to fit the drinks that women tend to prefer.

Sample Wedding Designs

Some noice designs, have a look at

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Day I lost my stubby Holder

stubby holder

Funny video

Sports Clubs - Personalisation

Sports clubs do tend to us the humble stubby holder as a promo item. The stubby can be a good way of team building with the nickname of each player on each stubby holder.

Personalization is a common thing with people wanting the names of all their teams on the stubby, or just numbers on the back. This also helps when people are drinking with all the same design, you can tell which drink is your by the number/name on the stubby holder.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

History of Stubby Holders

See Wikipedia for the full history, but here is a brief summary.

It began as a marketing tool. The primary use of a beer koozie/cooler is to keep one's hand warm while keeping the beer cold. They are a very good business card tool, as while someone might lose your business card, the idea of having a function to the stubby means people are inclined to keep them and use them, giving more life to your logo and business on the outside. (or to remember the big bucks night your mate had!)

Quality Stubby Holders

The Quality of a Stubby Holder is all based on the way its made. Stitching is part of this with some companies choosing to glue the seams while others prefer to stitch, and then some use an adhesive tab. In short, most people want their stubby holder to last as long as possible, so crappy wraparound stubbies are pointless, glues seams last a while but stitched seam to last longest. Here is a link to a stubby holder provider who uses stitched seams.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010

What are stubby holders made of?

Stubby holders are traditionally made from Wetsuit Rubber, Neoprene. This can be screen printed onto or also heat sublimated onto. They come in 5mm and 3mm types but 5mm is the best for your hand and drink. Stubby holders also come in a range of sizes, they are now made for wine bottles, slim premium drinks like Corona or Smirnoff, the list is endless.

Why Stubby Holders?

Why not? In Australia they are the most important thing for a night out. In winter a stubby holder keep your hand warm and in summer it keeps your drink cool. So they Why for a Wedding? Well weddings are traditionally the most social event. Stubby holders as a gift help people remember the event and are also something people will use again and again.... unlike sugar almonds.

So think about it for your wedding, they are cheap, can be customised to your wedding theme and now they can be personalised as well, so there is not need for place cards.... customised stubby holders will do the trick.

Checkout Soupcan Stubby Holders, they offer all of these services.

Wedding Stubby Holders

I have found that despite the classy theme most people want for their weddings, most like to have a truly Australian item like the stubby holder as their gift. Rightly so, as its a functional item that people will use well after the day of their wedding.

This blog is dedicated to the humble stubby holder and all the dodgy and cool designs there are out there.... especially the classy wedding stubby holder.